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CORC Set up the First Special Rose Society

Shirzad, the CEO of CORC and deputy minister of agriculture-jahad said that the first rose society is established based on the request of the founding board and conforming the Law and Regulation stipulated on the Upstream documents, Participatory –approach development documents and the National policy on agriculture in order to coordinate the natural and legal persons who are engaged in the production of Rose flower.

"The macro goals of the Rose Society includes coordination of Rose produce, policymaking and job standards-setting in order to boost the productivity and guild potential of Rose growers at all levels", Shirzad reminded.

Confirming the non-governmental and non-profitability of this society, Shirzad asserted that upon acceptance of the   Article of Association and payment of the subscription fee the whole individuals involving in the production, distribution, and marketing and exporting of the Rose, could be the member of the Rose Society after acquiring the agreements of the associated   authorities at the national and local levels.

Elaborating the hierarchical structure of the Rose society, the official said that by virtue of the decision of the funding board, all the members who meet the requirements set forth by the General Assembly could be inspectors or board members. The General Assembly (GA) is the main deliberative, policymaking and representative organ which is monitored by CORC.

The first general assembly of the Rose Society was held in the attendance of representatives of CORC and Agriculture-Jahad ministry to elect the members and Vice- members of the Board and inspectors on September, 25th.

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